What is the difference between CBD Isolate and Full Spectrum CBD?

What is the difference between CBD Isolate and Full Spectrum CBD?

What is the difference between CBD Isolate and Full Spectrum CBD?

Full spectrum CBD means you are getting content of the whole plant. The cannabis plant has more cannabinoids than only CBD and THC. There is also CBN, CBL, CBCVA, and more. The hemp plant is also rich in minerals, giving you even more added benefits.

Having access to more than just one cannabinoid can actually enhance CBD through something called "The Entourage Effect". This means that CBD works better when accompanied by other cannabinoids. CBD isolate is when growers separate CBD from other cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Isolate is the purest form and it is very effective in treating pain, inflammation and overall general health.

Because of additional cannabinoids, the CBD Full Spectrum will give you more benefits in the end.